Voter Information

Click on the link above to verify that you are registered to vote in PA.  Make sure all your information is correct, including your name, CURRENT address,  and party.  At the bottom left, it will tell you where your polling location is. 

If your voting or mailing address needs to be changed, and you still live in Carbon County, PA, you can do so on-line by following the directions below. (If you recently moved into  Carbon county you will need to re-register. If you’ve moved out of the county, you will need to register in your new county.)

1) On-line, select

2) Identify yourself by completing sections 1 (Your name) and 2 (Eligibility).

3) In section 3, select “Change of Address”.

4) In section 4, enter your birthdate and sex. “Phone” and “Email address” are optional but are

very useful if we or the election office need to get in touch with you to cure your ballot.

5) In section 5, enter your street address. (This is also known as the Voter Address. This address

must be in Carbon County, PA to be eligible to vote here.)

6) In section 6, enter your mailing address, if it differs from your street address. For example, if

there is no USPS delivery to your street address and you use a post office box, enter it here.

7) To further identify yourself, either your PA driver's license or PennDOT ID card number. If you do not have a PA driver's license or PennDOT ID card or a Social Security number, check the box indicated.

8) In this section you pick the party in which you want to register. We hope you’ll remain a

Democrat. We’re trying to Save the World!

9) In this section you can specify that you need assistance if you’re physically challenged or don’t

speak English very well.

10) In this section you enter any information that has changed. In changing your address, enter your

previous address here. If you’re changing your name, you must also enter your previous name in

this section.

11) In this section you affirm that the information you’ve entered is true. Be sure to read the


12) If anyone helped you with the form enter that information in this section.

13) In this section you can offer to be a poll worker or language interpreter on election day

14) In this selection you can request that you continue to receive a mail-in ballot if you have

previously requested them.

15) If you want to receive a mail-in ballot you can request it in section 15. That makes it easy to vote

if you have trouble traveling or want to avoid inclement weather. Or if you want to avoid lines

on election day. Or because it upsets Republicans.

16) Check that you’re not a robot and press continue.